March 29, 2016

Dynamic includes in Salt

Writing Salt state files can be somewhat deceptive. They have a concept of includes, which allows you to split up state files and define dependencies, which can give you reduced duplication, a cleaner top.sls and a way to run state files individually without dropping all your requirements. However, unlike Python and other programming languages, the includes don't need (it's not even considered best practice) to be defined at the top of the file. Realizing this opens some opportunities.

For example, consider a state file uwsgi/apps.sls that sets up various uWSGI applications:

  - uwsgi.install

{% for name, app in pillar.get('uwsgi_apps', {}).items() %}
/etc/uwsgi/{{ name }}.ini:
    - source: salt://uwsgi/files/uwsgi.ini.jinja
    - template: jinja
    - context: { app: {{ app | json }} }
{% endfor %}

Obviously missing from this example is how to get the source code for the uWSGI applications, and setting up a systemd/supervisord service that keeps the app running. Ignore that.

uWSGI apps can be of many types: Ruby, Python (both v2 and v3), Perl, you name it. How do we deal with this? We could just include all the plugin types at the top of the SLS:

  - uwsgi.install
  - uwsgi.plugins.psgi # perl
  - uwsgi.plugins.python2
  - uwsgi.plugins.python3
  - uwsgi.plugins.rack # ruby

{% for name, app in pillar.get('uwsgi_apps', {}).items() %}

But it'd be nicer if we could include the plugins dynamically, based on whether any apps use them:

{% set plugins = [] %}
{% for name, app in pillar.get('uwsgi_apps', {}).items() %}
  {% for plugin in app.get('plugins', []) if plugin not in plugins %}
      {% do plugins.append(plugin) %}
  {% endfor %}
/etc/uwsgi/{{ name }}.ini:
    - source: salt://uwsgi/files/uwsgi.ini.jinja
    - template: jinja
    - context: { app: {{ app | json }} }
{% endfor %}

  - uwsgi.install
{% for plugin in plugins %}
  - uwsgi.plugin.{{ plugin }}
{% endfor %}